Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Well today I met Pico's best's blog owner :D

Hot or Not Parties and other stuff

I was bored, so I decied to go to a Hot or not party
I was let in prob cause I was "rich"

The lines were long ish

Basicly to be let i, you had to have front hair and have somewat "rich clothes"
And you had to be hot

So if you want to go in the parties, get front hair like mine or osmething

On to the next topic

I decied to open a day care

Here are some pictures

so cute!

Friday, March 18, 2011

The post where I upgrade my room!

Hey all! It's Melissa here again and right now I'm gonna to expand my room!!!!! AHHHh!


Bye  for now!


Well I used my "I am your only daugther that you named after a hippie song" look on my dad and I told him "(Brother) gets Gamer points and I dont!" so he brought me 1,000 AG!!!
So now I have 1,502 AG!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEE

So I got........

It came free! It's so freaking awesome!]


Now off to buy that big room :D

Maybe but first here are some memories of my room

Dear Friends,
Here's a poem/song for you
You & I had such great times togther in my small room
Now it's time to let it grow
The newxt room Illl have partys
So we talky talky
And do the wlky
I love this room
Boom! Now it's gone!
Bye Bye!

<3 Melissa


There is an overvlow of babies on pico
They talk like that

No offence to any babies, but it's annoying to some people

Just saying

But it's cute I have to admit it's sometimes cute

For cueness I'll take pictures while I wait till someone orders a ticket

N Bye for now!

An Average Day

I got on to find my friend Becca redoing her room So we invideaed well I, the other people were already there

Here is snapshops of what we did

Well all of my friends left so I expolred

Bye for now!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What to do..

It was one of those days where, none of my friends were on


I'm not pouplar since well I'm not rich.

So I decied to make some new friends or try

Well I gave up after a while I give up easily
more later!