Friday, July 29, 2011

and I'm back.

Hello all :D I know I havent posted in a while and I'm sorry well I was on vacation and now I'm back!!! 

I will try to post an "adventure" later or when I can 


Jet lagged,


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Break Time!

YES! Katy Perry Pico is not on. I love having her around and doing her make up and all, but I am tired. I am a free women! Er for a while. Anyways I applied to one more celeb, to be their make-up person. I decied to go to parties and well er try get new friends. After all I'm trying to focus on being er making more friends. But first I worked on the make-up/wardrobe plan for Katy's week. After I was done  I decided to go shopping for shoes and get idea's for Katy's costumes.   

I gave up after their was a glitch 

Anyhow to see how bored i was look at the next picture

I really need more friends

anyways hees what I did NOTHING!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Katy Perry!

And I'm back. Woot! Anyways. For those who don;t know I am Katy Perry's make up person! And her wardrobe assistance person.

Katy Perry Pico and Me!
For those who are wondering I'm the one with the glasses 

I changed my look. My room. And It's gonna stay that way. 
Anyhow let me you tell you about Katy Perry on Pico 

She does awesome concerts! 

She is also selling shirts (by email!) 

Well today I was planning out Katy's Wardrobe & make-up for the week because at 1pm I had a meeting with her boss & Katy Perry, when I deiced to rest back in my chair as I got stuck on Friday. *sings the Friday song in head*  I fell alseep

About An Hour later, I woke up. 

Stretching. I looked at my clock. 


It was almost 2. 

My meeting started about a hour ago!!! I was late!!!

I grabbed my phone and ran out the door


I quickly ran to Katy's House 

and no one was there 

Then I got a text 


and I'm back.

I would like to apologize for my lack of writing.
I lost interest in Pico. My grandpa just died in late May. 
Anyhow I've been really busy! And I am sorry for that. 
Anyways yesterday, my dear friend Katy Perry♥  on pico imed me on Facebook and bugged me to come back on. I went on. I had to leave about after 10 min or so to get my passport  (Going to CANADA!!!!!)   
Anyhow today I decided to get on pico more. 
I deiced to focus on becoming  Melissa. Katy Perry's make-up artist and a pico blogger.